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Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The after math of GamesDay 2012

Well Chicago gamesday has come and gone. It was loads of fun and I got to meet awsome people from the community once again. I entered into golden deamon with no hopes of getting anything, but atlast I got to first cuts in 40k single and fantasy single. I was so happy just to get those. I also got alot of forge world goodies that Ive started to work on. Heres som WIPs.

Thursday, June 14, 2012


Got some more WIP shots of some of my own tuff as well as commisions. Let me know what you think cheers!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Tryin out some new Nmm tecniques not done but just tryin to get the right tones and color. Let me kmow what you guys think!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Been working on my Golden Deammon entrees this year and here are a few pics. More to come!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Games Day 2012!

So I have been trying to figure out a cool event for GD 2012. A ideal me and my friend Randy , were thimking about doing a Dark eldar areana. You bring your Champion and duke it out with others. Give me thought on how that sound and would it be somthing cool.

Cheers will

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Dark Angels, will they be redone?

While dark angels arnt the oldest codex , they are in my opinon not the most flavorable of the marine codexs. What realy makes Dark angels unique amongst other marine codexes, NOTHING! Now im not hatin on the DA, but space wolves and grey knights have better termy armies and vanila marines can take bikes as troop choices. So it is a definante possibility that DA might get sucked up in the next vanila marine dex. Put belial in there as a HQ choice and make him unlock termys as troops with some special options and rules and you have a DA army. Bikes can already be unlocked as a troop chioce, just put the raven wing leader in there and the DA options are all there. Post your thoughts and comment about what possible new units in the next DA codex to mak it unique that is if there is one.

cheers, will