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Saturday, December 25, 2010

New to the 40k Blog community

Hi I'm will and have been playing 40k for about 5 years now. My first army was Chaos space Marines and I played around for about a year with them, then  then one day on YouTube I stumbled across a video from of a Blood Angels player some may know as Jawaballs. I was hooked by the red thirst and about a week later printed off the Blood angels pdf. From there its took off and my BA army grew ever since. It is around 9000 points, not fully painted. I will have pics coming up soon. Later in the next few months i will start putting up tutorials on various how to paint 40k models. I will also show off a soon to be done Ultramarine's army that has been taking most of my time up in the recent month. This Blog will also be home to a club me and Friend will be starting, and also a dark eldar army we are doing together.

Cheers, Will.

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