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Thursday, March 10, 2011

Grey knights, one codex to rule them all!

Yesterday I went down to my local gw for round two of a 2500pt 40k tournament (more on that another post) and black box has just arrived. What was in it was the grey knights codex and some cool plastic kits.  After looking at all the pretty minuratues, I grabbed the codex and sat down to read what matt ward's most recent work. What I found was a deathwing army on crack!. First off my favorite HQ in the book (he woops mephiston) Supreme grand master Lord Dragio. coming in at 275 points , ws 7, bs5, s5 t5, w4, i5 a 4 0r 5, ld 10, sv 2+. Eterenal warrior, and all the other good grey knight special rules. He allows paladins to be taken as troop choices. Paladens are two wound terminators with a 4+ invunrable save, and one may be upgraded to an apothacary giving the unit feel no pain! If that is broken I dont know what is. Im not saying that it is the codex that is going to steam roll every tournament, but 15 paladens and lord Dragio with some minor upgrades is around 1300 pts. That may not be many models but they are almost impossible to kill. Yea but there foot slonging and ill just shoot them to death, big deal you might kill one or two the most. The grey knight in my opion is still a very elite army, however they can pull it off. So that is my take on the grey knights, Ill be doing a small army of them(and by small I mean all paladens at 2000 pts !). Leave in the comments what you think of the new dex and the preety new plastic kits to go along with it. Have we found a end all be all HQ in the universe of 40k.

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