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Monday, October 17, 2011

Whats gonna put Blood Angels on top again?

In the a couple recent games of 40k at my local store latley, ive noticed that my list I run has been lacking punch. Now I admit Im using a netlist, but I only use it against people who are running similar type of list. I want to know whats the next great list. Sure this list is good but it was made before the grey knights came out. Now some people I know are coming up with the dumb coteaz list with a bunch of death cult assasins. How do you combat this. I feel that there is a hidden gem left still some where in the Blood angels codex. That there some uber combo or somthing left that the blood angels can pull of that will crush all others. The question is will it be enough to be on top even when the necrons debut their new things. Im gonna look and anyalize my BA codex, post a comment and let me know what you guys think.

Cheers, will

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